GunZ is a Third-Person Multiplayer Online Shooting/Role Playing Game (MOSRPG), created by Korean-based MAIET Entertainment. International GunZ, in its beta, is currently free to play, and is planned to remain free after its official release. Though the International Edition is in its beta stage, the Korean version is considered complete.
The game allows players to perform exaggerated, gravity-defying action moves, including wall running, flipping, tumbling, and blocking bullets with swords.
Cистемные требования:
Pentium III 500 Mhz
256 MB RAM
Direct3D 9.0 Compatible(Riva TNT)
Pentium III 800 Mhz or faster
512 MB RAM or above
GeForce 4 MX or faster
Играть бесплатно на оф. сервере, ест примерно 30-50 мб зарубежа/час